Did you know? Medical care in seven correct mistakes.

For dental care, "Everyone should brush your teeth for two minutes at correcting the mistakes of one or several teeth expert believes.

Wrong is all wrong: "Everyone should brush your teeth for two minutes at the idea or belief of many, the German specialist Dr vitae University Dental. Stefan seamer. His words, '' The most important thing to keep disinfect teeth.

If anyone could take two minutes, five minutes somebody. But the main thing is to clean teeth well and the brush between your teeth should be good. You should see that there is no accumulation of food particles. ''

The latter would be expensive toothbrush to brush ?: Many people think that if you like your teeth are clean. However, the study says, need a toothbrush, which can be changed quickly and the far bend in the mouth dentists

It is clear that the gaps.

In addition, the brush to rub the gums well, that's a good brush. Electronic brush teeth, especially to help keep it clean, but it does not count Brush. The brush must be careful to use.

Tooth Brush alternative to chewing gum! The ads can be seen or heard, "a gum cibolei teeth after eating will become clear." But Dr teeth. The seamer, chewing gum without sugar cibole lalake the mouth of the mouth activates the acid and neutral, however, chewing gum can remove tooth pain. In most cases, dental bones, tuberculosis or because of tooth pain is spreading germs. So toothbrush gum is not an option.

Consumption of milk teeth: it is not necessary for healthy teeth, eat dinner, Language, strong jaw, and enough space to keep for each tooth. That is why we need to take care of sufficient milk teeth, dental bones consumption is not so.

Dubela children from the age of two years, with a special toothpaste to brush your teeth to interested parents. Germany, however, the milk for the baby Many parents use a special type of brush.

Fluoride-containing toothpastes: regular dental care or dental bones, the consumption of healthy food to be careful enough nayatai just enough teeth is fluoride, should keep a watch. Many people think that the toothpaste with fluoride for tooth just milk.

But fluoride is dental decay from being saved asthike. Children's teeth with fluoride toothpaste when I started to use it. It is necessary for adults. Didabliu
Did you know? Medical care in seven correct mistakes. Did you know? Medical care in seven correct mistakes. Reviewed by Bangla Bazar on 07:35 Rating: 5

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