What to do if all of a sudden heart attack?

On the street, in the office or at home, all of a sudden heart attack! Before the hospital, the man in front of you little by little becomes lifeless. Can not think what to do? Do not be afraid. If you know a few things you can save lives.

Sudden severe chest pain with sweating? Difficulty breathing ... and then what becomes unconscious man in front of you. But all the signs of a heart attack. What do you understand by a heart attack? Is next to the patient's airway in the throat carotid

Central Pulse or Pulse. Look for at least the first five seconds of the pulse. If you can not find the pulse of a heart attack.

Doctors say, if we know the technique of Life tebhim patients can be saved from this situation. What to do? Patients should not be allowed to nod. Go talk to him. 30-45 degrees to be patient lying with their heads high. In order to take advantage of his breath. Then you can start the initial treatment of the patient. How? Experts say it is.

First pump the chest, mouth-to-mouth resapiresana, let the patient lie down. Two palm intaralaka just pump in the middle of the chest. The whole body will pump pressure. 30 bar pump in 16-18 seconds.

Mouth-to-mouth contact after resapiresana. This time, the patient's nose should be stopped. Chin will hold up. Mouth-to-Mouth resapiresana to be this way twice. The pump will be on again. At least 5 times in the cycle must-jiniuja
What to do if all of a sudden heart attack? What to do if all of a sudden heart attack? Reviewed by Bangla Bazar on 07:27 Rating: 5

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