Facebook will pay 5 million dollars to fake news

Most of the world's most popular social media Facebook fake news tune atasata tie against Germany has. If you do not remove the fake news tune after 4 hours for each Facebook tune of 50 thousand euro fines of $ 575 or 5 million twenty two thousand of the country's new law.

Facebook is working sincerely to stop fake news and trap, a statement from the company came a day after Angela Merkel said the new law.

Press the Irish Times reported on Sunday, almost a year to stop the hatred and fake news on Facebook calling on the authorities to take appropriate action in the coming superpower of Europe. In the end, it was the legal position.

Meanwhile, German Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (sidiiu) has agreed on the legislation. This law has the potential effect resulting from 017 in January.

Germany's ruling SPD party leader Thomas aparamyana said, Facebook accused the management control did not use it properly. SPD his team for a long time to build a relationship with Facebook has been trying earnestly.
For any complaints about Facebook is the Facebook headquarters in Dublin to go to Germany. But when the solution can be found, that there is no guarantee. As a result of the new law, the obligation to take action will be constant for any complaint. According to the new law, any person that the popularity of the name of a fake news, the news of his popularity with the same opportunities will be created.

Earlier, the United States presidential election was widely criticized on the publication of false news.

Meanwhile, several media reports, to prevent false reports ABC News, AP, phyaktacekaoaraji, palitiphyakta and has worked with snopasera Facebook.
Facebook will pay 5 million dollars to fake news Facebook will pay 5 million dollars to fake news Reviewed by Bangla Bazar on 20:24 Rating: 5

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